January 04, 2006

Institute for Pervasive Computing

Image source: Institute for Pervasive Computing

There is a new edition of Pictures of Future (Fall 2005) by Siemens with three special issues:

Intelligent networking, Auto electronics and Digital Health.

There is an interesting interview to Friedemann Mattern, who is a professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and is Director of its Institute for Pervasive Computing.
(page 22)

And at the Institute for Pervasive Computing, works in these research topics:

1. Smart Cooperative Objects

2. Sensor Networks

3. Privacy

The massive deployment of smart cooperating objects with fine-grained sensing and large-scale communication capabilities has potentially large consequences for our personal privacy. We are investigating how future ubiquitous computing systems can support a sufficient level of privacy awareness.

Privacy-Aware Ubiquitous-Computing Systems, and Marc Langheinrich, who has Published his PhD thesis “Personal Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing. Tools and System Support” and we have to read it. No excuses

another paper to read:
Jürgen Bohn, Vlad Coroama, Marc Langheinrich, Friedemann Mattern, Michael Rohs
Living in a World of Smart Everyday Objects – Social, Economic, and Ethical Implications.
Journal of Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 763-786, October 2004Abstract, BibTeX, Paper (.pdf)

4. Social Implications Privacy is but one aspect of our everyday that might substantially be altered by the deployment of ubiquitous computing environments. In order to better understand the non-technical requirements of such systems, we are investigating the social, economic, and ethical implications of ubiquitous computing.

another paper:

Vlad Coroama, Jürgen Bohn, Friedemann MatternLiving in a Smart Environment – Implications for the Coming Ubiquitous Information Society.Proceedings of the International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 2004 (IEEE SMC 2004), pp. 5633-5638, The Hague, The Netherlands, October 10-13, 2004Abstract, BibTeX, Paper (.pdf)

If the IBM Privacy Faculty Award 2005 was to Carnegie Mellon University, in 2006.....the Institute for Pervasive Computing?

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