January 13, 2006

Demos: corporate security

Demos is an english think tank, their aim is to put this democratic idea into practice by working with organisations in ways that make them more effective and legitimate.

They focus on six areas: public services; science and technology; cities and public space; people and communities; arts and culture; and global security.

Few months ago we talked about a privacy report by Demos:

"The Future of Privacy" by Perri 6

Future of privacy, volume 1, The
This book analyses the forces – technological, economic, political and cultural – shaping the future of privacy.

Future of privacy, volume 2, The
What kinds of organisations do we trust with database information and what do we trust them to do, or not to do, with our personal information? This book reviews what is known about public concerns.

The next Wednesday 18th January 2006, Demos will host:

Corporate Security: Past, present and future (18 January 2006)One of Britain’s foremost corporate security experts, David Burrill, will reflect on the progress made in corporate security during his time in the profession before setting out a challenging and provoking agenda for future reform. Find out more about the event or register to attend here.

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