September 01, 2006

ETRICS 2006 (slides available)

Image source ETRICS website

ETRICS 2006 took place from June 6th to 9th in Freiburg.

ETRICS is an International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information and Communication Security. Protecting information and communication systems and services from malicious use is essential for their deployment and acceptance. In addition to applying techniques from traditional security research and security engineering, it is necessary to take into account the vulnerabilities originating from increased mobility at application level and the integration of security requirements into business processes.


1: UC and RFID today – Breakthrough or still on hold?
2: Security and Privacy in Future Business Services
3: Security in Autonomous Systems
4: Long-lasting Security

Workshop 2: Security and Privacy in Future Business Services

Part 1: Importance of Privacy for Individuals, Society and Economy

Ursula Sury
Rechtsanwältin in Luzern und Zug, Prof. an der Hochschule für Wirtschaft, Technik und Architektur in Luzern
Privacy: Ausgewählte Aspekte von Rechtsverletzungen durch Computing

Alessandro Acquisti
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Is There a Cost to Privacy Breaches? - An Event Study

Alfred Kobsa
University of California, Humboldt University, Berlin
Convincing Users to Disclose Personal Data

Sarah Spiekermann
University of Berlin
Privacy in the Germans' Mind

Part 2: Technical Approaches for Protecting Privacy

Sebastian Gajek
University of Bochum
A Case Study on Online-Banking Security

Marit Hansen
Independent Centre for Privacy Protection Schleswig-Holstein
Using Legally Compliant Reputation Systems to Filter SPIT (Spam over Internet Telephony)

Matthew Smith
University of Marburg
Future Internet Security Services Enabled by Sharing of Anonymized Logs

Stefan Sackmann
University of Freiburg
Privacy Evidence for Protecting Customer's Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing

Sören Preibusch
DIW Berlin
Designing Incentive-Compatible Privacy Negotiations

Boursas Latifa
Munich University of Technology
Integration and Propagation of Trust in Federated Identity Management Scenarios

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