September 05, 2006

Chief Privacy Officer

In 2003 Edward Hurley wrote at an article about the Chief Privacy Officer position, Companies creating more chief privacy officer jobs.

The chief security officer (CSO) position has matured to the point where the title isn't particularly jarring when you see it on a business card. However, the same probably cannot be said for the chief privacy officer (CPO) job.

CPOs are the public point people for a company's privacy initiatives. In other words, they function as the human face that is responsible for protecting the customer data that's collected and stored by companies.

Courier-Post Online has just published this article by Katie Grasso, Network of ideas available as privacy officers emerge.

A chief privacy officer's daily responsibilities include:

* Maintaining compliance and self-assessment documentation for new privacy and information security laws and regulations.

* Performing privacy compliance assessments by testing key privacy controls, systems and procedures.

* Determining the impact of current and pending privacy-related legislation and regulations.

* Responding to actual or potential breaches of stored information on customers and employees.

* Creating a privacy policy and training employees.

* But what if you're a small-business owner who can't afford a CPO?

Read the entire article on Courier Post Online

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