May 21, 2007

An Empirical Approach to Understanding Privacy Valuation

It is a paper by Luc Wathieu who is an associate professor in the Marketing unit at Harvard Business School.

What do consumers value and why? Researchers on privacy remain stumped by a "privacy paradox." Consumers declare that they value privacy highly, yet do not take steps to guard it during transactions. At the same time, consumers feel unable to enact their preferences on privacy. Clearly, scholars need a more nuanced understanding of how consumers treat information privacy in complex situations. To test the hypothesis that there is a homo economicus behind privacy concerns, not just primal fear, Wathieu and Friedman conducted an experiment based on a real-world situation about the transmission of personal information in the context of car insurance. Their experiment was based on a previous case study about marketing processes that use membership databases of trusted associations (such as alumni associations) to channel targeted deals to members through a blend of direct mail and telemarketing. Key concepts include:

Contrary to some research, the chief privacy concern appears based on data use, not data itself.

There is consumer demand for social control that focuses on data use.

Sophisticated consumers care about economic context and indirect economic effects.

Full Working Paper Text

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