February 13, 2007

The Inundated Consumer

Brand Channel.com it is my favorite branding magazine.

Alycia de Mesa writes this article: A Branding New Year, about Branding Predictions for 2007

One of these predictions. . . . .

The Inundated Consumer

"I believe that brands in 2007 will begin to experience an increasingly hostile resistance to the relentless invasion of privacy that marketers are unleashing on their unsuspecting audiences. I'm not talking about 'privacy' as in identity theft; I'm talking about privacy as in the need to live through a solitary moment when we're not battered with unwanted commercial messaging. There's a limit to the unsolicited marketing messages that audiences can handle, and we're going to see that limit come into plain sight, beginning in 2007."

Lynn Upshaw

Principal, Upshaw Consulting Member,

Marketing Faculty, Haas School of Business, UC-Berkeley

Read more predictions. . . .

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