Audio and Slides available
Slides from SWAMI (Safeguards in a world of ambient intelligence) conference are available at SWAMI website.
Audio from Symposium, Search and Seizure in the Digital Age, Stanford Law School, is available.
Publicado por Carlos Garea los 9:06 AM 26 comentarios
Publicado por Carlos Garea los 4:54 AM 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: blogs, privacy blogs
Privacy and Public Policy Challenges of Social Technology
Mar 5 2007 - 12:30pm
Stanford Law School Room 280 A
Chris Kelly, Chief Privacy Officer of Facebook
The rise of social technology through sites like Facebook empowers users to model their connections with other people in the real world and allows them to share information more effectively and efficiently with their friends. Most of this sharing is unquestionably socially beneficial. But fears that some of the sharing can be harmful lead to regulatory and other efforts focusing on privacy, safety, and asserted illegal use of material protected by copyright and other intellectual property regimes.
Publicado por Carlos Garea los 9:39 AM 27 comentarios
Etiquetas: Facebook, social networks, Stanford
Publicado por Carlos Garea los 1:33 AM 0 comentarios
Publicado por Carlos Garea los 8:31 AM 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Australia, health privacy, id card
Scentric, the provider of the world’s first universal data classification solution, today announced the availability of Scentric Destiny Enterprise Suites for Data Privacy, e-Discovery, and Compliance. Each suite combines software, services, and maintenance pre-configured to address the specific challenges of these emerging information management issues in large enterprises. Each suite starts at 25 terabytes and includes options for 50, 100 and 150 terabytes.
"Customers have told us their early experience with competitive products have been less than satisfactory primarily because of scale issues in their large environments," said Jeff Hornung, president and CEO of Scentric. "Many of the issues had to do with the need to cluster multiple devices for scale and even then, the clusters topped out at something less than an enterprise configuration. With Scentric's software-only solution, even the largest organization can achieve the scale necessary to manage large data stores with a single policy engine."
Publicado por Carlos Garea los 9:49 AM 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: data protection, Scentric
T-Rays Advance Toward Airport Screening
By Neil Savage at Technology Review Tuesday, February 20, 2007
A new laser design helps create usable terahertz radiation, which penetrates common materials but doesn't harm tissue.
Researchers around the world are trying to tap a barely used portion of the electromagnetic spectrum--terahertz radiation--to scan airline passengers for explosives and illegal drugs. The rays are particularly attractive: they can see through clothing, paper, leather, plastic, wood, and ceramics. They don't penetrate as well as x-rays, but they also don't damage living tissue. And they can read spectroscopic signatures, detecting the difference between, say, hair gel and an explosive.
While some commercial systems are already available for limited applications--one Japanese device scans mail for contraband drugs--a machine to scan airline passengers has been slow to evolve, mainly due to the difficulty of creating the terahertz radiation. The ideal scanner would send out a beam of t-rays at passing objects or at people a few meters away, then measure the rays reflected off the subjects and check them against a database of spectroscopic signatures. But most existing sources of t-rays only provide weak beams, which make detection slower and harder.
Read the full article
Publicado por Carlos Garea los 8:46 AM 0 comentarios
Publicado por Carlos Garea los 3:48 AM 0 comentarios
Jeremy Wagstaff, is a technology columnist, author and journalist, and writes for The Wall Street Journal and the BBC. He asks over at his Loose Wire blog whether we have overcome our concerns about privacy.
Publicado por Carlos Garea los 8:51 AM 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: privacy, social networks, web 2.0
Publicado por Carlos Garea los 8:34 AM 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: privacy, surveillance society
Brand it is my favorite branding magazine.
Alycia de Mesa writes this article: A Branding New Year, about Branding Predictions for 2007
One of these predictions. . . . .
The Inundated Consumer
"I believe that brands in 2007 will begin to experience an increasingly hostile resistance to the relentless invasion of privacy that marketers are unleashing on their unsuspecting audiences. I'm not talking about 'privacy' as in identity theft; I'm talking about privacy as in the need to live through a solitary moment when we're not battered with unwanted commercial messaging. There's a limit to the unsolicited marketing messages that audiences can handle, and we're going to see that limit come into plain sight, beginning in 2007."
Lynn Upshaw
Principal, Upshaw Consulting Member,
Marketing Faculty, Haas School of Business, UC-Berkeley
Read more predictions. . . .
Publicado por Carlos Garea los 8:09 AM 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Berkeley, Brand Channel, Branding, HAAS, Lynn Upshaw, Marketing
Text Source: Wireless sensors extend reach of Internet into the real world. by Alicia Chang, The Associated Press. USA TODAY.
LOS ANGELES — To the untrained eye, the sleek, airy building constructed atop a decommissioned nuclear reactor at the University of California at Los Angeles could pass for high-tech office space.
A closer inspection of the glass-and-steel facade reveals dozens of miniature, low-resolution cameras and sensors. They're wirelessly linked to computers throughout the 6,000-square-foot space, keeping tabs on traffic flow in public areas and monitoring temperature, humidity and acoustics.
The building serves as a testing ground for developing and perfecting wireless sensing technology to connect major chunks of the real world to the Internet. Such networks could monitor the environment for pollutants, gauge whether structures are at risk of collapse or remotely follow medical patients in real time.
"I see this as the next wave of extending the Internet into the physical world," said computer scientist Deborah Estrin, who heads the Center for Embedded Networked Sensing, a UCLA-based consortium of six schools.
Read the full article at USATODAY
Publicado por Carlos Garea los 8:57 AM 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Center for Embedded Networked Sensing, Internet, Sensors, UCLA, wireless
Publicado por Carlos Garea los 1:04 AM 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Consumer Protection, European Commission, Internet
Publicado por Carlos Garea los 11:47 AM 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Berkeley, Consumer Protection, Copyright, DRM Technologies, Institute for Information Law
Publicado por Carlos Garea los 4:30 AM 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: data protection, encryption, RSA, Valyd Software
Publicado por Carlos Garea los 8:56 AM 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: GAO, health privacy, HHS, personal health records
Publicado por Carlos Garea los 3:28 AM 4 comentarios
Etiquetas: cord blood bank, cordon umbilical, umbilical cord blood
Publicado por Carlos Garea los 2:08 AM 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: IBM, IBM Privacy Research Institute, Internet, Technology Review, Tivoli
Publicado por Carlos Garea los 7:59 AM 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: European Biometric Forum, European Commission, European Parliament, Passenger, USA privacy