December 10, 2006

Location privacy in pervasive computing

Location privacy in pervasive computing

Beresford, A.R. (received a PhD for Location Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing)
Stajano, F.
Lab. for Commun. Eng., Cambridge Univ., UK;
(department publications)

This paper appears in: Pervasive Computing, IEEE

Publication Date: Jan-Mar 2003Volume: 2, Issue: 1On page(s): 46- 55ISSN: 1536-1268

Abstract As location-aware applications begin to track our movements in the name of convenience, how can we protect our privacy? This article introduces the mix zone-a new construction inspired by anonymous communication techniques-together with metrics for assessing user anonymity. It is based on frequently changing pseudonyms.


Ford-Long Wong, Frank Stajano, Location Privacy in Bluetooth. Proceedings of 2nd European Workshop on Security and Privacy in Ad hoc and Sensor Networks, Series LNCS, Number 3813, Pages 176-188, Springer-Verlag, July 2005.

A Value Sensitive Design Investigation of Privacy for Location-Enhanced Computing. Freier, Consolvo, Kahn, Smith and Friedman

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