November 16, 2006

Snap... privacy and 33.5m camera phones

Christina Michalos is a barrister at 5RB, London. She has written The Law of Photography & Digital Images (Sweet & Maxwell, 2004)

She writes this article
Snap... privacy and 33.5m camera phones at Times online.

THERE are now more than 33.5 million camera phones in Britain, according to a recent survey by the Mobile Data Association. This is more than just an interesting statistic — it means that there are 33.5 million people equipped to take a photograph or video of you in a public place and upload it on to the internet for the world to see.

Many magazines and photo agencies pay for mobile phone pictures of celebrities taken by the public. Image-sharing sites such as YouTube and Flikr, which have a user base far in excess of any tabloid newspaper, are full of videos and photographs authored by citizen paparazzi. So what can Joe Public do to stop his 15 minutes of fame becoming 15 minutes of internet shame via an unfortunate camera phone image?

Read full article at Times Online

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