October 20, 2006

Privacy Research in Canada

Text by Michael Geist of the Canada Research Chair in Internet and E-commerce Law at the University of Ottawa.

In recent years several Canadian experts have carried out innovative research to identify some solutions.

Ian Kerr of the University of Ottawa has studied the trust relationship between consumers and their ISPs, interview to Ian Kerr

Steve Penney of the University of New Brunswick has focused on cybercrime,

Kerry Rittich of the University of Toronto has examined workplace concerns in the new economy,

Darin Barney of McGill University has written on the impact of digital networks on privacy rights, and

Teresa Scassa of Dalhousie University has tackled federal privacy legislation. Law & Technology Institute

And others:

Centre de recherche en droit public

Chaire L. R. Wilson sur le droit des technologies de l'information et du commerce électronique

(podcast available, Conférences en ligne)

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