March 17, 2005

Memorandum of understanding between AEPD (Spain) and FTC (USA)

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) and the Agencia Española de
Protección de Datos
(“AEPD”)has signed a memorandum opf understaning on mutual enforcement assistance in commercial mail matter between FTC and AEPD to promote enhanced cooperation and information-sharing on spam enforcement activities. Officials from both agencies will cooperate to address the problem of illegal spam. FTC Chairman Deborah Platt Majoras and AEPD Director Jose Luis Piñar Mañas signed the MOU at a ceremony in Washington, DC.

The Memorandum is a “best efforts” agreement intended to enhance cooperation between the two agencies – it is not legally binding and does not alter either country’s existing protection laws. The AEPD is Spain’s data protection authority. Since Spain’s anti-spam law took effect last year, the AEPD also has authority to conduct spam investigations.

Memorandum in English
Memorandum in Spanish Acuerdo de entendimiento

Acaba de aparecer un documento del Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación sobre el Correo Electrónico y el Spam

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