January 23, 2007

European Privacy Institute

An initiative has been launched to lobby for a permanent European institute to foster a synthesis between technology and privacy.

The European Privacy Institute Initiative already involves nearly 40 experts - mainly academics but also business associates and an official from the European Commission. Driving the initiative is a desire to examine how values like privacy and ethics can be integrated into future product designs and technologies.

The group points out that a number of global companies, such as IBM, Microsoft and KPMG are conducting research into privacy issues. In Europe, a number of EU-funded projects are doing the same. These include PRIME (Privacy and Identity Management for Europe), FIDIS (Future of Identity in the Information Society), and BITE (Biometric Identification Technology Ethics). Universities around Europe are also carrying out their own research projects.

An Executive Committee has been created to present the idea to the EU institutions. The three Committee members represent a university, the director of a research consortium and the CEO of the European Biometric Forum. A Scientific Advisory Committee has been established to assist the Executive Committee.

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