December 05, 2005

Xbox 360 & Privacy

Voila this is the new Xbox 360 by Microsoft. And as you can play online you have to be carefoul with your privacy.

Two websites where you can read more about it:


"Privacy is always a concern when you're online, but the Xbox 360 lets you specify a variety of settings to make sure you only interact with the people you want to interact with."


"Now no doubt Microsoft has this totally covered in its Terms and Conditions that you have to agree to when you sign up for an Xbox LIVE account, but did you know just how much information Microsoft shares with other Xbox 360 owners about what you’re doing? Simply put, anyone you’ve been in contact with through Xbox LIVE can subsequently see what you’re up to, regardless of whether they’re in your friends list or not. "
Full article at: Hexus.gaming

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Privacy saved my life


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