September 20, 2005

Mobile aspects of our Security By Design

The purpose of the SecurIST project is to deliver a Strategic Research Agenda for ICT Security and Dependability R&D for Europe. It will do this through meeting the following objectives:

Establish and co-ordinate a European ICT Security & Dependability Taskforce
Drive the creation of an "ICT Security & Dependability Research strategy beyond 2010"
Leverage the knowledge base of existing/future ICT Security and Dependability researchers and projects.

Last April Security Task held the 2nd Workshop in Brussels, and now presentations are available:

One of these presentations is:

Wireless Device Id in the Ambient World From Identification to Context Adaptable Recognition By Stephan J. Engberg

Thanks for the link ¡¡¡

Another papers by Engberg:

RFIDSEC announced (english) 2005-04-13
RFID security paper presented at PST2004
Stephan Engberg talks on Dependability at Newcastle Colloquium Series 2005-08-24

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